Sunday, August 25, 2019

You Are What You Eat

This weekend was the first in an extremely long time that I did not spend the better part of the day in the bathroom. I am so happy, I could honestly cry. The next step is to see how things go in public. I have yet to really test it out after eating. I'm sure it won't be perfect or work all the time but if I can eat food and leave my house without worrying about the bathroom, I call that a win.

I'm sure some of you will think this is TMI or no one cares and I'm sure that's true however this is such a huge obstacle in my life and is so debilitating that I share so others dealing with the same thing realize that they aren't alone and we don't have to suffer.

I am amazed at how well and how quickly my body has responded. During my eating window today, I indulged and I can already feel how it's affecting my stomach. I definitely don't want to feel like this again and it really shows that diet plays such a HUGE part in how we feel. I had some timbits and ughhh, my stomach is not happy right now. I am so determined now to stick with better food choices because I can literally feel the difference, moreso than when I've tried "clean eating" before.


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