Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Battle with my Brain

Yesterday, of course, was Halloween and my next door neighbour dropped off some treat bags. I indulged in some treats and now my brain is trying to play some pretty shitty tricks on me. I've started walking again, which is great, but it's a fine line between not having it turn into something obsessive and having it be something I just enjoy. Now my brain is trying to tell me that I'm a horrible person for having some treats and I'm going to get so fat and it's really telling me to go exercise. I chose not to walk today because I'm sore so I wanted a rest day. UGH, this is the shit that really gets on my nerves. I can't enjoy exercise or food without having my head turn it all into some sort of bad thing and big guilt trip. I just want to be able to enjoy those things without having to be set off.


Unknown said...

thank you for writing this blog. im so relieved to know there are others who deal with the same struggle.i have a big sweet tooth,i love food so itz a constant life long battle.i was doing so well til my bf moved in with his cokes and bacon etc.ugh! and the weather here in NL is so shitty its hard to ever get out.also my motivation gets interrupted every month with pms where im too sick to workout and all i wanna eat is junk.i could go on ..maybe i should start my own blog lol

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