Monday, March 20, 2017

Gaining Weight and Different Directions

So yesterday, I had the confirmation that I have put on weight. I knew I did but it was gut wrenching to see it on the scale. I started to get really upset and formulate all these plans in my head for how I was going to lose weight, because my happiness and self worth depend on that, right?! WRONG. Instead of welling on it like I would, I decided to do a workout that I had missed the day before and I realized that yes, while the scale may say one thing, my body is actually stronger than it was two months ago when I first started. I can hold a plank for ten seconds longer than when I started. I can do a full burpee, instead of having to step in and out AND I can jump. I can do mountain climbers longer than I could at the beginning. So all of these little nsv put together actually made me feel really good.

I also decided to focus on, not the 20lbs that I gained back but the fact that I have still been able to keep the 50lbs off. While I may be heavier, my clothes still fit. Would I like to lose those lbs again? I won't lie, yeah probably. But I want to do it the right way and if that takes a really long time, so be it. As long as I'm getting stronger and feeling better, than that's the most important thing to me.

I've also been giving some thought to becoming a clothes blogger. I don't really know if I will branch down that direction, I mean heaven knows that I really love to shop and I have a closet full that I could style and showcase, but I don't know if it's something I could do on a daily basis. As anyone who reads the blog now knows (and thank you to that one person LOL), I don't write daily. I just don't feel like I have a ton of stuff to say, not to mention that I don't work outside of the home so I kind of don't see the point in dressing up. Then I think about doing clothes hauls on Youtube......but I don't know how to get started and I don't know how to market myself and.......and........and......that self doubt kicks in and squashes the idea like a bug. We shall see.


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