Wednesday, October 12, 2016


I've been having a tough go of things lately. I've been really struggling with my mental health. I am not in a good place again and of course, it all goes back to my weight. Why must this be a constant thing?! It's so not fair. I've been really feeling down again, beating myself up for putting some of the weight back on and for not having the motivation to get back into exercising. I've been trying to get my eating back on track or at least back to where I was before.......but it's hard. I want to get up in the mornings and work out but I have such a hard time making myself do it. Even on those days where the alarm goes off and I don't feel like death warmed over. I'm really trying not to dwell on it, but I haven't been having much success the past little while. This too shall pass.

Also, if anyone out there actually reads this and says "Hey, I've been struggling too" or "I feel the same way", please shoot me a message. There's nothing worse than feeling like you're going through something alone. Just know, you aren't.


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