Sunday, April 3, 2016

Then I Blinked

Oops!! Didn't realize that it's been so long since I last posted. I'd started to write a post a couple of times but I didn't really know what I wanted to say exactly. Things have been the same since January. I've had my ups and downs and tried to get into some sort of frame of mind. I've had good days and bad, as in I've been really body positive and other days where things weren't so positive and I was finding myself falling back into old trains of thought and really negative thinking. I was starting to beat myself up over perceived weight gain and looking back at old photos, I was allowing myself to get depressed. I managed to not fall into the old cycle of comfort eating and I even went so far and while to delete certain photos from my phone. I was going through my Dropbox account and came upon some "before" photos. To my surprise (in a good way), I wasn't upset. I didn't get grossed out. I didn't think what I saw was wrong in any way. This is HUGE for me. This is the place I have been wanting to come to for so long. I can't tell you how relieved I feel tonight. I'm sure I will still struggle but to finally, finally have peace when it comes to my body is just amazing.


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