Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I Think I Can, I Think I Can

It's been one of those weeks. I'm just not digging the whole "eating healthy" thing. I don't think I was digging it all that much last week either but I did my best to stick with it. This past weekend was terrible to be honest. Not as in something really bad happened, I mean food wise. There was way too much indulging......Saturday ended with having not one but two big breakfasts (as in a late breakfast in the morning and then breakfast for supper that night). Sunday was also bad. McDonald's for lunch (I'm not going to lie, it was damn delicious) and then nachos for supper/snack. My parents also came over with pizza. I didn't have any of that though because I was holding out for nachos.

So needless to say, come Monday, I knew I was really going to have to get myself back in the mindset of eating better. I didn't do too badly and I got my workout in in the morning plus shallow water fitness last night. Now today, I just want to sit down and eat my face off and then sleep the rest of the day. The struggle is real. Very real and very much a struggle today. I'm trying to be gentle with myself though in hopes that I actually don't go totally off the rails again. I'm at the end of the groceries unfortunately, so it's going to be tough making sure that I eat well between now and Friday. I do have some healthy choices left, I just have to be careful to stretch it. Anyway, today isn't over yet and tomorrow is a new day. One day at a time, Natasha. One day at a time.


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