Sunday, July 29, 2018


So I have decided to look at exercise in a different light. I normally dread it, because it feel like it's something I *have* to do. I almost look at it as a sort of punishment, especially if Ibe indulged in treats. This time around, I want to view it positively, something that helps me feel good mentally. I didn't do one today and I feel ok about it. On Friday, I did a 45 minute at home walking program that also incorporates some high intensity moves. But I don't feel like it's so hard that I can't do it or that I need to modify it too much. Saturday, I chose to use lawn mowing for my movement. 75 minutes later, I had worked up a great sweat and both front, back and sides of the lawn are cut. It felt awesome, although I was sore later in the evening. Today I chose not to do anything as I had other things on the go. I know I will have good and bad days but so far, I've been able to keep on track with positive thoughts.


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