Thursday, October 27, 2016

On A Mission

I have decided to start my workouts again. I was in such a good place when I was doing them, even though physically my body was hurting, and I really want to get back to that. Plus, I tried on my winter coats last night and while I was able to zip them up, I didn't like how they fit. I won't lie, they were both a bit snug around my butt. That put me in a really crappy mood last night and instead of letting it take over and consume me, I just kind of accepted it for what it was, felt blah about it for a few minutes and then I carried on about my evening.

I also was determined to not let it affect me today. I was going to get up earlier and get the workout done, but I've been so tired since getting home from my cousin's wedding this past weekend and I feel like I am trying to catch up on sleep. I managed to get it done because Laura is home from school today so she kept Austin busy while I started day one. I'm not entirely sure if I want to stick with the BBM challenge again or if I am going to go back to the 30 Day Shred. Either way, whichever one I decide to go with, I have a goal of sticking with it for 30 days. Right now, a 90 day challenge feels so overwhelming.

I also need to get to the grocery store and get some food that will put me on the right track. I've been falling back into some old habits.......surprise surprise. The vicious cycle continues. I'm looking forward to it though. I only did the fit test today but I already feel good. I guess those endorphins are working after all.


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